The Strategic Planning - Hoshin Policy Deployment Training Module v10.0 includes:
1. MS PowerPoint Presentation including 137 slides covering our Strategic Planning Process based on Hoshin Policy Deployment, including
- Introduction to Hoshin Policy Deployment,
- Organizing the Strategy Process,
- Current State Analysis (CSA),
- Strategic Vision and Vision Elements,
- Strategic Breakthrough Goals and Objectives,
- Key Performance Indicators and Balanced Scorecard,
- Strategic Initiatives and Tactics,
- Strategic Projects and Activities, and
- Management Review Process.
2. MS Excel Hoshin Kanri Strategy Deployment X-Matrix (Level 1) Template
3. MS Excel Hoshin Kanri Strategy Deployment X-Matrix (Level 2+) Template
4. MS Word Current State Analysis (CSA) Questionnaire
5. MS Word SWOT Analysis Questionnaire
6. MS Excel Criticality Analysis Template
7. MS Excel Radar Gap Analysis Chart Template
8. MS Excel Strategy Grid Alignment Matrix Template
9. MS Excel Strategy Grid Correlation Matrix Template
10. MS Excel Balanced Scorecard Template
11. MS Excel Templates for Annual Planning Review (Level 1) Template
12. MS Excel Templates for Annual Planning Review (Level 2) Template
13. MS Excel Project Prioritization & Selection Matrix Template
14. MS Excel A3 Project Charter Template
15. MS Excel A3 Project Report Template
16. MS Excel Bowling Chart Template
File Type: .zip
File Size: 5.91 MB
Last Update: October 26, 2023